We speak your language

Ensuring language access
As a part of UW Medicine, providers in the Department of Medicine care for people from all over the world with a wide range of cultures and many different communication needs. To support equal access to comprehensive care, we offer many resources that help to communicate clinical information to patients in their native or preferred language.
Bilingual staff
Those who would like to communicate directly with patients and their companions in languages other than English can become certified as Bilingual Staff.
Interpreter services are offered free of charge (in person or by phone or video) by qualified medical interpreters. In 2024, interpreter services were provided in more than 145 languages and dialects. Interpreter services also helps with communicating for patients who are blind, deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Many of our providers are also bilingual or multilingual. 74 languages other than English are spoken by UW Medicine providers and patients have the option of selecting a provider who speaks their language.
In 2024, over half a million visits to UW Medicine were by patients who preferred to communicate about their healthcare in a language other than English.
Reducing language barriers and improving health
There are many barriers to healthcare for patients with limited English proficiency. These patients may be less likely to access healthcare services than those fluent in English and language barriers may result in miscommunications, negatively impacting health outcomes and contributing to disparities.
Language concordance, when parties are able to communicate in the same language, helps to establish trust, enables patients to fully communicate their needs and understand their treatment plan and ultimately improves patient outcomes and reduces disparities.

“Being able to speak with patients in a common language makes the care I provide more personal and individualized,” said Dr. Amineta Sy, an internal medicine resident who is certified to provide care in French, Wolof and Fulani.
“Every time I introduce myself in French, Wolof, or Fulani, I witness the excitement and reassurance on their faces. From that moment on, my patients know that I will treat them the same way I would treat family members.”
Establishing trust
Preferred language communication in healthcare has been found to improve levels of trust between patients and providers.
Patients and providers who speak the same language may be able build trust and connect through shared cultural experiences as well.

“I am proficient in Swahili and Somali and have extensive experience working with these communities,” said internal medicine resident Dr. Hussein Abdille who often interacts with interpreters in clinic.
“I deeply value their strong sense of community and the remarkable support they provide to one another, particularly during challenging times, such as when a family member is unwell,” he said.
“My patients who share a language with me know that they can open up fully,” added Sy. “As someone from a similar cultural background, or at least open to understanding their cultures, I will advocate for them to the fullest extent and help them navigate the challenges of the U.S. healthcare system.”
A trusting foundation between patient and provider promotes better communication, improves patient satisfaction and improves overall outcomes.
Effective communication
Patients who are able to freely communicate in their preferred language can be clear and detailed in sharing information with their provider and providers can better understand their needs. Medical information around managing their condition and treatment plans are more clearly understood.
In speaking with their provider in their native language, “My patients are able to open up more about their personal lives, their stories (which I quite enjoy listening to), and the barriers they face as immigrants living in the United States,” Sy said.
“This information, though seemingly benign, is crucial for tailoring their care to their realities, diverse cultures, and beliefs, ultimately leading to better care.”
Improving outcomes
Language concordance has been found to improve health outcomes for patients with limited English proficiency.
“This approach fosters improved health outcomes by facilitating clear and easily understandable communication during history-taking, physical examinations, diagnostic follow-ups, and recommendation-making,” Hussein said.
Studies show that language concordance increases comprehension and overall health literacy as well as shows improvements in both subjective (e.g. patient satisfaction, empowerment to manage own health conditions) and objective (e.g. blood pressure control) measures.
Reducing disparities
Research shows that patients who face language barriers have poorer health outcomes compared to native English speakers. Racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare can be reduced by improving access to care provided by a professional fluent in a patient’s preferred language.
Language inclusive care
The Department of Medicine supports equal access to health care services for all patients, no matter where they were born, what language they speak, or what their hearing status may be. Language inclusive care can be accessed in a variety of ways throughout our facilities and clinical spaces.
A number of our clinics and service lines also specialize in care for underserved communities in their native and preferred languages.
Interpreter services
Free interpretation is provided throughout UW Medicine in more than 80 languages and dialects (in person or by phone or video) by qualified medical interpreters.
“Interpreter services are crucial in ensuring effective communication and facilitating quality care for patients with limited English proficiency. These services enable patients to better understand their medical care in a manner that is clear, culturally sensitive, and respectful of their individual needs,” said Hussein.
International Medicine Clinic
The International Medicine Clinic (IMC), receives more than 12,000 visits a year and centers its care philosophy around providing culturally-informed medical care tailored to the needs of refugee and immigrant communities. IMC staff and providers speak a number of additional languages, including Amharic, Cantonese, Chao Jo, Mandarin, Hmong, Khmer, Laotian, Mien, Oromo, Somali, Tigrinya and Vietnamese and provide care in additional languages through Harborview’s Interpreter Services Program.
“Being a provider at the International Medicine Clinic has been the highlight of my training at the University of Washington,” said Sy. “Not only do I serve people who look like me and speak like me, but I also have the great opportunity to learn about new cultures and amazing stories with each patient interaction, using interpreter services when needed.”
The IMC operates the Community House Calls (CHC) program in which caseworkers and cultural mediators work with patients to reduce barriers to accessing care. This includes guidance for finding a doctor, help arranging transportation and medical coverage, and coordinating home visits by physicians and nursing staff.
Dr. Duncan Reid, clinical assistant professor (General Internal Medicine) directs EthnoMed, a joint program of the University of Washington Health Sciences Libraries and Harborview Medical Center’s Interpreter Services Department (ISD).

As Harborview Medical Center’s online resource for international medicine, its goal is to eliminate health care disparities experienced by limited English proficient and the hearing-impaired populations who receive care at Harborview Medical Center by:
- Providing effective interpretation services in response to a continuum of need.
- Maintaining partnerships with patients, families, communities, providers and staff that promote culturally competent care.
- Making information about culture, health, illness and community resources available to health care providers who see refugee and immigrant patients.
Latinx Diabetes Clinic

The Latinx Diabetes Clinic, led by Dr. Lorena Alarcon-Casas Wright, clinical professor (Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition) was created to improve diabetes care for Spanish-speaking patients.
The Latino community is the state’s largest minority group and has higher risk for developing diabetes and prediabetes. Among the clinic’s efforts to address barriers to care, Spanish is spoken by staff throughout, including by physicians, a diabetes educator/nutritionist, the clinic manager, and five patient-care specialists.

The Latinx Diabetic Kidney Disease Clinic, led by Dr. Christine Limonte, assistant professor (Nephrology) works closely with the Latinx Diabetes Clinic, offering a culturally compatible continuum of care for patients with diabetic kidney disease.
Bilingual Staff certification
We have many employees, providers, students, trainees, and volunteers who speak languages in addition to English. Faculty and staff who would like to communicate directly with patients and their companions in a language other than English can complete steps to be recognized as Bilingual Staff.
Bilingual Staff receive a badge buddy identifying their language(s) and may use their language skills to the full extent of their own scope of practice.
If you are interested in having your language ability assessed, please contact uwmed-bilingualtest@uw.edu (UWMC) or hmc-bilingual@uw.edu (HMC). Assessments take approximately 30 minutes.