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Dr. Raj Mehrotra
October 29, 2019

Dr. Raj Mehrotra Receives ANIO Award of Academic Excellence

The ANIO Award recognizes individuals of Indian origin who have made substantial and significant contributions to the science of nephrology in basic or clinical science supported by published work in scientific journals.
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ANIO Award of Academic Excellence

Rajnish(Raj) Mehrotra, M.D., is the recipient of the 2019 ANIO Award of Academic Excellence. Dr. Mehrotra is a board certified physician at the Kidney Research Institute, Kidney Clinic and Section Head of Nephrology at Harborview Medical Center and a University of Washington Professor of Nephrology and Medicine. Dr. Mehrotra specializes in peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis and chronic kidney disease.

The American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO) Award recognizes individuals of Indian origin who have made substantial and significant contributions to the science of nephrology in basic or clinical science supported by published work in scientific journals.

Dr. Mehrotra earned his M.D. from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. He is board certified in both Nephrology and Internal Medicine. His clinical and research interests include comparative effectiveness of dialysis therapies, patient and technique survival with peritoneal dialysis, decision support for selection of dialysis therapies, mineral metabolism in chronic kidney disease and racial and ethnic disparities in chronic kidney disease.

Dr. Mehrotra is editor-in-Chief of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN). He has published over 100 articles and continues to thrive in his research.


The overall purpose of ANIO is to bring together like-minded nephrologists, nephrology trainees and health care professionals in the field of nephrology who have their origins in the Indian subcontinent and/or those who have worked in areas related to the Indian subcontinent. While the group is principally drawn from the United States, ANIO seeks to have a broader reach and would aim to draw membership from other parts of the world.