World AIDS Day 2021: Let's give the gifts of hope and focus to HIV research

Founded in 1988, World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day. It is recognized every year on Dec. 1. Dr. Larry Corey, professor (Medical Oncology) and co-founder and principal investigator for the Hutch-based HIV Vaccine Trials Network, has written about how HIV scientific infrastructure paved the way for the world’s COVID-19 response. And now, we need to return the favor by renewing and expanding our commitment to end HIV/AIDS.
“In the decades that we have worked to find treatments and vaccines for HIV/AIDS, cancer, herpes viruses and now, COVID-19, I have learned that we can move mountains when we combine fearless science, a true desire to work together and a relentless focus on saving lives,” he says.
Read the full story from Hutch News.