Assisting in Smoking Cessation and Lung Cancer Screening in Indigenous People in Seattle

The American Thoracic Society Research Program has announced the recipients of the Non-Profit Partner Grants for the 2021-22 grant cycle.
Dr. Matthew Triplette, associate professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) has received a $200,000 Respiratory Health Equity Research Award for “Assisting in Smoking Cessation and Lung Cancer Screening in Indigenous People in Seattle (ASSIST)."
The Respiratory Health Equity Research Awards are awarded through partnership with the American Lung Association and CHEST Foundation.
The American Thoracic Society and its Research Program are improving respiratory health worldwide by supporting young investigators in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine. The ATS Research Program, established in 2004, bolsters new investigators as they strive to launch independent research careers dedicated to innovation in patient care.
Since 2004, the Research Program has awarded $21.9 million in research grants to 321 investigators who have gone on to secure more than $491 million in federal funding. That's a return on investment of $22 per dollar awarded.