Jason Deen appointed chair of AAP Committee on Native American Child Health

Dr. Jason Deen, associate professor of pediatrics and medicine (Cardiology) has been appointed chairperson of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on Native American Child Health (CONACH).
Deen, a currently serving member of CONACH, is a pediatric cardiologist, vice chair for equity, diversity and inclusion in the Department of Pediatrics and director of the UWSOM Indian Health Pathway.
The Committee on Native American Child Health (CONACH), offers its expertise to individuals and groups concerned about the issues facing American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) children. CONACH members are selected for their willingness to advocate on behalf of Native American children and for their previous experience in working directly with AI/AN children and youth.
Committee members maintain contact with tribal, urban, and Indian Health Service (IHS) programs, and keep up with important changes, legislation, and regulations that affect Native American health in general (e.g., the Indian Self Determination and Education Act) and Native American child health (e.g., Indian Child Welfare Act) in particular.